DC Stop Smoking: Quit Smoking with our Smoking Cessation Treatment (Auriculotherapy)

The Colorado DC Stop Smoking Centers offer a safe, quick and effective treatment that has an 85% success rate with one treatment. We provide smoking cessation treatment programs to nationwide clients. If you want to QUIT SMOKING, VAPING OR CHEWING, try DC Stop Smoking. We use Auriculotherapy (or Ear Acupuncture) to help people become non-smokers.

DC Stop Smoking in Grand Junction, Colorado 

New Location: 2470 Patterson Suite # 6 Office 22 Grand Junction, CO 81505

Stop Smoking! Stop Chewing Tobacco! Stop Smoking Cigars! Stop Smoking any Nicotine product! 

The evolution of stop-smoking programs over the years includes: going cold turkey, hypnosis, acupuncture, staples, aversion therapy, nicotine replacement systems, electronic cigarettes, nicotine gum, nicotine patches and nicotine lozenges, prescription drugs, herbal solutions, and finally, DC Stop Smoking Centers® 

We can help you stop smoking! If you’ve tried to stop or quit smoking in the past, you have undoubtedly felt the uncomfortable withdrawal from nicotine. It is a very unpleasant feeling. This is your body telling you that it doesn’t want you to stop smoking. 

You’ve tried everything, going cold turkey, hypnosis, nicotine replacement and nothing seems to work. You’re afraid of needles and you can’t swallow pills. You feel like a slave to your cigarettes or chew. You want to take charge of your health and life. Perhaps your doctor won’t do surgery until you stop smoking or using nicotine. Maybe you’ve just had a medical crisis and need to remain nicotine free. The Leslie-Cam® procedure that DC Stop Smoking Centers® uses, offers a safe, quick and effective treatment that has an 85% success rate no matter why you want to stop smoking or quit any nicotine product. 

The Leslie-Cam® procedure is unique. We do not use needles, pills, nicotine or herbs to help you stop smoking. We modified the technique being taught in auriculotherapy classes. This modified procedure is guarded, similar to the Coca-Cola® formula. When you stop smoking, you have the potential to feel better, stop coughing, be more energetic, breathe easier, and have more money and time. 

Give us a call. We can help you achieve your goal!

Clients have come from quite a distance to stop smoking or using nicotine. Our furthest client came from Morocco! We have helped clients stop smoking from all over the United States, North Dakota, Wyoming, Kansas, Florida, Texas, West Virginia, New Jersey as well as Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada and Utah. Start Living, pick up the phone, Call 970-609-7867 (STOP) and make an appointment.



The DC Stop Smoking Centers have helped thousands of people quit smoking after only one treatment. Quitting can be an emotional, trying time, and it is important that we offer you ongoing support to help you succeed and enjoy your life as a non-smoker.

Our customer feedback is important, not only for you to evaluate our services but also for us to ensure that we are offering the best quality product in the most effective, professional manner.

What do we do? Auriculotherapy

Auriculotherapy (also called Auricular Therapy) is a proven, effective tool to quit smoking and chewing by minimizing cravings and calming the nervous system.

In most cases, relief of cravings is noticed immediately after just ONE treatment! There are no known adverse side effects. The treatments are non-invasive and remarkably effective.


  • No more withdrawal symptoms
  • Affordable
  • One treatment can change your life
  • A desire to discontinue nicotine use is not always necessary for a successful result.
  • FREE ON-CALL FOLLOW-UP 8 am-8 pm, seven days a week
  • Free booster treatments if needed
  • We do not use needles, beads, pills,   nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, herbs,   or substitute habits to help you stop smoking.
2470 Patterson Suite # 6 Office 22 Grand Junction, Colorado 81505
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday09:00 – 17:00

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D C Stop Smoking Center